There’s “hot”, and there’s “dangerous hot”.
Sure – you understand how to deal with “hot” weather with your outdoor activity. How do you know, though, when it’s TOO hot? What does humidity do to things? How do you read the signs, and how do you stay safe?
For the full chat on this check out the podcast episode using the buttons below. Don’t forget to hit “subscribe”!
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We do this dance every summer.
Just about every fitness blog out there writes a “summer fitness tips” blog post of some sort. Honestly, it’s all always the same stuff. It’s not even hard… it’s
Today’s news is more important.
We deal with hot weather every year. It’s called summer. It’s nothing new, and neither are the tips
Heat waves and humidity are no joke.
If you’re not expecting it (and sometimes even if you are) regular “summer heat” can quickly turn into something much more dangerous. Heat in the mid 90’s and above is bad enough, but when you combine it with high humidity and stagnant, no-breeze-in-sight air… you’ve got a recipe for disaster. When conditions are tough enough, and you’re not expecting it, you can end up dizzy, nauseous, and suffering from heat exhaustion – or even heat stroke.
Simple precaution and awareness can save you.
I’ve got some simple tips to share that could save you in a pinch. It can be easy for a great day of outdoor fitness to turn south real fast, but with a little awareness and guidance you can stay safe, happy, and fit. How? Well, you’ll just have to listen to episode 95 to find out 😉
For the full chat on this check out the podcast episode using the buttons below. Don’t forget to hit “subscribe”!

What’s in this episode:
- Figuring it out, catching up, and finding “normal”
- Oppressive heat and humidity
- Things to look for
- Things to know
- And how to stay safe
Episode Resources:
Interested in working with Darrell?
If you don’t live in Attleboro, or don’t have an Anytime Fitness near you… consider working with Darrell anyway! Darrell is accepting Virtual Training Clients – it’s about as close as you can get to working with him one-on-one in person without actually BEING in person. If you’re ready to make a change and have it stick, e-mail for more details.
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