Hard work and a positive attitude will get you everywhere.
It’s been 8 weeks since surgery…& in one more week I’ll be returning to the starting line for my first “race” since I broke my knee. That’s 9 weeks since surgery…I move quick ;).
The race I chose for my triumphant return is probably one of the most historic, scenic 5K turkey trots you could ask for…right where it all started for USA – the Plymouth Thanksgiving Day Pilgrim 5K.
So there’s that. I’m also already getting myself lined up for a BIG 2015…and a few someones have taken notice…
Recovery is hard. It’s been a challenging road, and I’m relieved to be coming out the other side. I understand just how fortunate I am that my broken knee wasn’t worse & didn’t come with soft tissue damage (like a torn ACL). Thanks to a kick-ass orthopedic surgeon, a little guidance from a physical therapist, and a LOT of grit and determination, I managed 2 miles on the treadmill yesterday.
Started with a walk, worked up to a jog, and before I knew it I was working a 12 minute mile. Not bad for 2 weeks off the crutches.

And then yesterday happened, affirming for me that I’m good to go.
So what about this turkey trot?
Well, this race seems to be pretty great. It’s put on by Plymouth Rock Racing and takes place in just about the GREATEST place for a Turkey Trot – Plymouth, MA (y’know, home of the ORIGINAL Thanksgiving?).
This course is a nice little flat & fast 5K along the oldest road in the country – Old Sandwich Road. It’s an out-and-back with the turnaround at “the other rock” in Plymouth – Sacrifice Rock. What is it? Apparently a very old Native American religious site. Pretty cool. This course is very scenic – I ran along Old Sandwich Rd for the Winter Warlock 5K. I loved it covered in snow and I’m sure I’ll love it in the throes of late fall/early winter. New England…love/hate relationship…
FUN FACT – There’s also a 5 mile turkey trot that very same morning. Yes, two turkey trots – one morning (pretty sure Plymouth is the only town in America with two turkey trots same day). Do both and it’s the Second Helping Challenge. I WAS planning on doing that…then I broke my knee.
The 5 miler happens across town by the waterfront. It’s actually a really great course and I’m pretty bummed I’m not participating. You run by about 5 major historic sites, including the Mayflower II, the Forefathers Monument, and Plymouth Rock. That’s kind of Plymouth Rock Racing’s M.O. though…with the history and beautiful courses and whatnot. (More on that another day)
If you’re still looking for a turkey trot and you’re anywhere near Plymouth…register for this race. Turkey trots are a dime a dozen, so why not do one (or two!) that’s steeped in history along a beautiful course?
I mentioned I’m getting set up for 2015…
After putting in WORK on a ridiculous 2014…some people have taken notice. Within the next week (I think) I’ll be one of 6 athletes featured in Health Warrior’s “Conquer 2014” series, and…*dramatic pause*…
Cape Cod Nutrition Corner will be announcing me as the newest addition to their Sponsored Athlete Team! You heard it here first 🙂 Can’t keep me down.
Just goes to show, like I said before, hard work and a positive attitude will get you everywhere. See you at the starting line.