In our modern, advanced, intelligent society, I’m shocked to see that we’re still so susceptible to fear-mongering and mass ignorance. I’m sure we all know…
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
We have been wrong before. We believed the Earth was flat. We believed cigarettes were healthy. We believed diet soda was actually a healthy alternative to regular soda. Today, we seem to believe “GMO’s” are creating un-killable man-eating weeds, turning our soil toxic, and poisoning our children turning them into mutants.
My question is: Do you know why you hate “GMO’s”? Do you even know what they are? Really? If you use your noggin for a minute and try to see through the mob-mentality hysterics…I’m sure you’ll be surprised.
Let me clear something up right now: I’m not Pro-GMO. I’m not Anti-GMO. I’m Anti-Ignorance.
I really can’t stand all the nonsense I see on Facebook. I see people blindly re-posting all kinds of anti-GMO propaganda (yeah, I used that word) and I can’t help but think… do you even KNOW what you’re saying by sharing/re-posting that?
First…What IS a “GMO”, anyway?

There’s also GM crops that are drought-tolerant and, more famously, resistant to pesticide. They’re even working on being able to fortify foods with additional vitamins they don’t normally have! If executed properly, something like that could solve a lot of problems around the world.
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What claims are “they” making?
There were so many issues with this “study”, and it is completely debunked, yet anti-GMO groups are still harping on it as fact (yes, that was published well after retraction). Another anti-GMO site claimed GMO’s caused liver/kidney damage…but the “review” cited said itself that the tests were not sufficient to prove anything conclusive.
This is a big twisting of the truth. There are famous cases this is based on (see this, this and this). There are far less cases being brought up and going to court than many anti-GMO activist groups would lead you to believe. They’re going after people violating patent law by saving/replanting seeds, not wind-blown pollen.
Not quite. These Genetically Modified seeds are, essentially, akin to a software developer creating a new program, or an artist painting a new picture – they retain the rights to profit from their new creation. The scientist may not have created “seeds”, but they DID create seeds that have extra genes built-in. Copyright, trademark, and patent apply, even if it seems strange. The farmer agreed to these terms when they bought the seed. Nobody held a gun to their head – it was a choice.
While it’s true “Terminator seeds” (which do not grow back the next year) do exist, GM Companies have never actually put them to market. (that I know of)
Pests and weeds are going to evolve and become resistant to our efforts just like the flu virus morphs and changes every year to resist the flu vaccine…but you don’t see pitchforks and torches outside your local clinic or pharmacy, do you?

Mandatory labeling accomplishes nothing.
Labels are great – they allow us to have more information and, thus, make informed decisions. Sorry to break it to you, but Mandatory GMO Labeling wouldn’t help us make any kind of decision we can’t already make. People say they want to know so they can know what they’re putting in their bodies. They want to know so they can avoid foods they don’t want. They want labeling because…they WANT it! And other countries have it, so why shouldn’t WE?!
Know what ELSE other countries have? Communism.
Seriously, though – every argument FOR mandatory labeling I see is a lot of demands, a lot of ignorance, a lot of “I THINK I know what’s up” and little or no fact / REAL good reason. Current U.S. Law requires labeling on new foods that have significant nutritional or allergenic characteristic, and the FDA has judged that, so far, there is no danger, health risk, or reduced nutritional value from GM foods. There are many “Certified Organic” and “non-GMO certified” foods labeled as such. So…all those “informed choices” you want to make? You already can.
There IS positive potential for GM foods
And if we freak out and squash GMO’s…we’ll only have ourselves to blame.
TRUTH IS – We’ve been doing this for centuries
First, Almost all seeds you buy now do not grow back after the first generation. You have to buy "Heirloom" seeds in order to be able to re-use them. If you don't believe it then buy a tomato from the store and replant all the seeds from it. See if they grow into plants. This is a marketing tactic to get you to buy their seeds every year.
Second, I have personally spoke to a farmer who said that he has to go into his fields and chop down the giant canola plants that the weed killers won't kill. They get so big that they damage the harvester if he doesn't cut them.
Third, Why hasn't Europe allowed GMO seeds to be used? They didn't allow GMO's long before the current "scare"?
Fourth, What about the link between GMO's and the decimation of the bee population? I have read where entire hives were poisoned by the honey they made due to the pesticides collected with the pollen!
Now, I will grant that you have many valid points in your article. I also try to keep an open mind and not make decisions based on fear, but my research points to GMO's being a bad idea. You can't control all the consequences of putting these things out in the open!
As far as the labeling, I can see that being detrimental to certain companies, but much like the return of real sugar to soda; they will adapt.
I'm sorry I don't have links handy for all the points above, but from doing my own research with multiple sources, this is my opinion. Thank you.