My First 50K, And How To Define “Crazy”.

My First 50K, And How To Define “Crazy”.

“Oh wow – that’s crazy!” When we do things that aren’t “normal”, people don’t know what to make of it. But… why is “normal”… normal? For the full chat on this check out the podcast episode using...
7 Hot Tips For Summer Fitness Success

7 Hot Tips For Summer Fitness Success

The warm weather has finally arrived! Now that it actually FEELS like late spring and the beginnings of summer, we’re gonna wanna get out there and enjoy it! But do you know what to watch out for when you’re out there in the hot hot heat? For the full chat...
An Unstoppable Force and An Immovable Object

An Unstoppable Force and An Immovable Object

“There can be only one Highlander” In a way, your fitness journey is kind of like the paradox of an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object. Only one can win – which is it gonna be? For the full chat on this check out the podcast episode using...
Always Work Hard, Never Give In. Nothing Is Guaranteed

Always Work Hard, Never Give In. Nothing Is Guaranteed

Complacency is the enemy. Sometimes we get a little too comfortable in our fitness. When that happens, we start getting complacent and taking things for granted. That was me… until this past weekend. For the full chat on this check out the podcast episode using...
Going It Alone – What To Consider To Ensure Success

Going It Alone – What To Consider To Ensure Success

Are you a lone wolf? Not everyone has a workout buddy or coach, and that’s ok! There are, though, some things you should consider if you plan to take this on alone. For the full chat on this check out the podcast episode using the buttons below. Don’t forget to...
What’s So Scary About Commitment?

What’s So Scary About Commitment?

JOIN NOW! – NO COMMITMENT!!! Every time I see or hear these words in a gym ad I get so upset. You see, FitFriends… we’re approaching “commitment” all wrong… For the full chat on this check out the podcast episode using the buttons...