by DWMcTague | Mar 15, 2014 | Running
SO just a quick update here. It’s race day! Again. hah. Yes, at this point I’m running 25 (probably more) races this year, so it seems like every other weekend is race day! TODAY is a fun one – Pace To A Pint! This’ll just be a quick update...
by DWMcTague | Nov 9, 2013 | Running
Finally updated the running playlist. Learned a lot in the past couple months about running, my pace, etc, and I’ve made some changes and additions to the playlist to go along with that. Finishing that half-marathon taught me a lot, too! Read on to check out the...
by DWMcTague | Aug 12, 2013 | Race Recap, Reviews, Running
I lost 107 lbs. I trained for 140 miles. I raised $2,520 for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (so far). I spent one year of my life turning around my health and fitness. I re-learned how to think about nutrition and what I put in my mouth. I got in tune with my body. I...
by DWMcTague | Aug 10, 2013 | Running
So here we are. Tomorrow is the big day. Race day. I keep hearing that the Falmouth Road Race is the biggest, most popular race in New England second only to the Boston Marathon itself. All things considered, I believe it. I’ve been preparing for this for...
by DWMcTague | Aug 3, 2013 | Running
So you’re running along, you’re doggin’ it, life sucks, and all of a sudden a song comes on that just hits you the right way. Your stride picks up, your breathing straightens out, there’s a bounce in your step and you’re running like you...