by DWMcTague | Sep 11, 2017 | Physical Fitness, Podcast
Sometimes… you just can’t hold it in. Most days I have a lot on my mind. Things bug me, but I don’t always take up a whole podcast episode to get it out of my system.. Sometimes, though… I just have to let it out and talk about it. Today is one...
by DWMcTague | Sep 1, 2017 | Health & Wellness, Podcast
Sometimes treasure is hiding in plain sight. I don’t know everything… nor will I ever claim to. When I find some new information that I feel has benefit not only to me, but to others… I want to share it! In the not-too-distant past I discovered...
by DWMcTague | Aug 25, 2017 | Health & Wellness, Podcast, Running, Ultramarathon
I talk a big game sometimes Going into Anchor Down 24 Hour Ultramarathon… I made a bold statement. I said, just like I did before Ghost Train Rail Trail Race last year, that I was coming for a belt buckle. The only acceptable outcome of the race was a 100 mile...
by DWMcTague | Aug 17, 2017 | Health & Wellness, Physical Fitness, Podcast, Running, Ultramarathon
There’s more to a race than you think. There’s so much that goes into a race, yes, of course, from the participant’s side… but from the Race Director, too. I was fortunate enough to have a chat with a buddy of mine, Jay, who is both a runner...
by DWMcTague | Aug 15, 2017 | How-To
(FTC Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links – I may receive compensation. All opinions are my own, never bought or sold.) I’m not perfect… but I know it. I’m well aware that sometimes my life is a mess. There’s nothing wrong with...