by DWMcTague | Aug 25, 2017 | Health & Wellness, Podcast, Running, Ultramarathon
I talk a big game sometimes Going into Anchor Down 24 Hour Ultramarathon… I made a bold statement. I said, just like I did before Ghost Train Rail Trail Race last year, that I was coming for a belt buckle. The only acceptable outcome of the race was a 100 mile...
by DWMcTague | Aug 17, 2017 | Health & Wellness, Physical Fitness, Podcast, Running, Ultramarathon
There’s more to a race than you think. There’s so much that goes into a race, yes, of course, from the participant’s side… but from the Race Director, too. I was fortunate enough to have a chat with a buddy of mine, Jay, who is both a runner...
by DWMcTague | Aug 4, 2017 | Health & Wellness, Podcast, Running
We all have monsters to fight. Some things are tougher to deal with than others. We all have our own struggles and battles, and some might seem impossible to win. Even if you’ve won a battle or two… maybe you can’t seem to win the war. What’s...
by DWMcTague | Jul 28, 2017 | Health & Wellness, Physical Fitness, Podcast, Running
You are not alone. It can be easy to think you’re all alone, on a little island, whether you’re struggling with nutrition, fitness, or specifically running. I’m here to tell you… you are not alone. There is a larger community you are a part of...
by DWMcTague | Jul 25, 2017 | Health & Wellness, Podcast, Running
Run a marathon and change your life… It’s no secret that I TRULY believe in the transformative power of running. When I go running for long enough I find my happy place, my mind can wander stress-free, and I can just… be. I realize it doesn’t...
by DWMcTague | Jun 1, 2017 | Physical Fitness, Podcast, Running, Ultramarathon
We are capable of incredible things. Sometimes I think we lose sight of… how BIG of a deal some of what we do is. We go out there and we do things that… days, weeks, months, or years prior… never would’ve been possible… or even...