#23 – This Time WILL Be Different

#23 – This Time WILL Be Different

Sometimes we get locked into a sick cycle of failure. When that happens… things can seem pretty hopeless. We can seem completely lost. Permanently locked into a neverending circle of mediocrity and non-progress. Eventually, we might give up hope of success...
Thou Shalt Not Covet

Thou Shalt Not Covet

I’ve been struggling lately. Seems to be a common thing with me, right? No matter how on-top-of-it I might try to be, it seems I’m always missing the mark somewhere. It’s probably a result of me trying to do too much with, quite simply… too...
#22 – Balance and Wine

#22 – Balance and Wine

Life is tough. No matter how awesome you are, sometimes life can kick you in the tail. That’s just the way it is. There’s no preparing for it, there’s no guarding against it… If it’s gonna happen, it’s gonna happen. It’s times...