

I know, this is gonna be another one of those corny “I’m reflecting on an amazing year” posts, right? …maybe…But…I mean…COME ON! When your life changes THAT MUCH in the course of ONE year…you’re allowed to have a...
Put That Cookie Down!

Put That Cookie Down!

I have a confession to make…I’ve been cheating. Cheating is bad. Cheating is where we lie to ourselves, to our loved ones, and to those around us. It’s where we pretend what we’re doing is OK even though in our hearts we KNOW it’s wrong....
“Lose Your Limits” Challenge 2014

“Lose Your Limits” Challenge 2014

2014 is going to be a huge year – If things go the way I’m hoping for I’ll not only be running a race almost every weekend…but I’ll be running a half-marathon a month and my first marathon or Spartan Beast by the fall! Maybe...